Tuesday, December 06, 2005


“It’s all about the beer.” This is Heineken’s simple slogan. I see Heineken as being very similar to Corona in the way that they are exclusive, not for every average beer drinker. Also, Heineken does not advertise as much as other beer companies, therefore their ads have to be effective. The question is does their ads do that? Humor in commercials is always very appealing to me, and Heineken incorporates just that, well played humor. Their two most unforgettable ads have to do with the past. The first one is entitled “The Birth of Lighters at Concerts” and be found at:
It shows a band playing at a large concert, they have just ended a song and it shows a man putting his Heineken down in order to clap, once he’s done clapping he leans down to find his Heineken and uses his lighter so he can see better. Someone sees it doing and copies him, raising it above their head and waving it around. By the time he stands up, everyone around him is doing it, he looks confused but satisfied because he’s found his beer. The commercial connects Heineken to a well known tradition, and in this way builds the image of their beer to be a trend setting product.
The other commercial is called “The Birth of the Peace Symbol” it incorporates a similar message as the one explained above, and can be found at:
It shows a guy at Woodstock asking for two Heinekens, the other person can not really hear him so he puts up two fingers like a peace sign, and says “Two Heinekens please.” Another person walks up to him mimicking the sign, and asks him what it means, he starts to explain “Two Heinekens…” then says, “Peace!” The guy is amazed and loves the new sign, he goes around and does it to some people who mimic him, eventually everyone there is doing it. Again, this ties Heineken to a traditional symbol, showing its power.
The ads are effective because they are funny and memorable, and since the actions are tied to Heineken the commercials don’t lose sight of the product.


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